Download trajectory data

Pre-processed, high-resolution trajectories of homing pigeons flying in a flock obtained from raw data provided by miniature GPS devices
These data can be used freely and unconditionally. We are ready to provide further details in response to email enquiries.

When using these data you are asked to cite our related papers:

M. Yomosa, T. Mizuguchi, G. Vasarhelyi and M. Nagy: Coordinated behaviour in pigeon flocks, Plos ONE (submitted 2015).

D1 dataset: M. Nagy, Z. Akos, D. Biro and T. Vicsek: Hierarchical group dynamics in pigeon flocks, Nature 464, 890-893 (2010).

D2 datasets: M. Nagy, G. Vasarhelyi, B. Pettit, I. Roberts-Mariani, T. Vicsek and D. Biro: Context-dependent hierarchies in pigeons, PNAS 110(32), 13049-54 (2013).

Download D1 data files and D2 data files
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